In a recent blog Andrew Watson, development director at Savills, in looking back at circa eight months of mandatory BNG, framed the question of its impact as follows: would it be the last piece on the planning mule to make it finally Buckaroo [or] would BNG do...
National Character Area
A National Character Area, or NCA, is a natural subdivision of England, defined by a combination of landscape, biodiversity, geodiversity and economic activity, meaning they follow broadly natural (or demographic) rather than administrative boundaries, and are...
Unearthing the Value of Nitrate Credits for Landowners
In the quest for sustainable environmental practices, various innovative solutions have been implemented. Among these, nitrate credits stand out as a unique tool that not only promotes environmental health but also provides an avenue for landowners to monetise their...
Biodiversity Net Gain
What is BNG? Biodiversity Net Gain, or “BNG” for short, is for many people the most puzzling of the main three land-based pollution offsets (the other two being carbon and nitrate offsetting). People generally understand what is meant by biodiversity: the prevalence...