
Are those shoots green or rose-tinted? A year in review…

In a recent blog Andrew Watson, development director at Savills, in looking back at circa eight months of mandatory BNG, framed the question of its impact as follows: would it be the last piece on the planning mule to make it finally Buckaroo [or]  would BNG do...

Science fiction

The wood wide web Most laypeople with even a passing interest in ecology and wildlife preservation will have heard the term ‘wood wide web’ at some point in the past few years. It is the colloquial name for what is more accurately termed the ‘common mycorrhizal...

Fail to plan, plan to fail

The Planning Advisory Services (PAS) has commissioned law firm Dentons to create a suite of templates which can be adapted by local authorities for use in securing biodiversity net gains (BNG), giving life to various key provisions of the Environment Act (2021). This...
Lessons from the past

Lessons from the past

In Southwest Wales, at the very edge of the Gower peninsula, is a National Trust-owned plot of land known as ‘the Vile’, clinging to the edge of the cliffs which look out over the Bristol Channel and Irish Sea. The land is divided up into what might look, from above,...

Reforestation and the golden rules

Reforestation and the golden rules

Would you have guessed there were as many as three trillion trees in the world? Read that again. Three trillion. That is about 400 trees for every living human being.  And since trees first appeared more than 350 million years ago, during what was known as the...